- Now no more wait! the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Barisal, finally announced the JSC exam result released to date. The JSC/JSC result will likely be announced on 12/2025. Stay with us for more updates.
- The JSC result will be online on December 2025 after 12:00 clock. Click www.barisalboard.gov.bd to view result online. Like our Facebook page to get updates.
Barisal Board JSC JDC Result 2025:
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Barisal, also referred to as BISE started its operation in 1999. The board is responsible for conducting examinations like JSC, JDC, SSC, and HSC. Moreover, On this page, our discussion will focus only on Barisal Board JSC and JDC Result 2025.
JSC (Junior School Certificate) and JDC (Junior Dakhil Certificate ) both of these examinations are both conducted in October / November once every year. Besides that, the board also published their result together in December. In addition, It also gives scholarships to meritorious students based on the results.
Perhaps, on this page, you will get all the information and how Education Board Result will release the JSC Result 2025 and JDC Result 2025.
Barisal Education Board JSC/JDC Result 2025 Online:
The first thing to remember is that the Barisal Education Board allows students to access the results online. Hence, students/parents looking for results must check the following process. You can check results by using the bd govt education board results or Web Based Result system. Both of these will help you to access the result and reports.
- In your web browser, type any of the following URLs or domains.
- Type URL 1.:www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
OR - Type URL 2: eboardresults.com
- You must select “Examination” as “JSC/JDC”.
- After that, choose “Year” for this year and select “2025”.
- Select Your Board Name as “Barisal”
- Now you must put your JSC /JDC Roll Number “____”.
- Type Your same for Registration Number “__________”.
- Enter the security question like the sum of the two-digit numbers.
- Final step: hit on the Submit button to view your result.
Barisal Board Marksheet for JSC/JDC Result 2025
- The above process will help you to get a Barisal Board marksheet. You can also download JSC Marksheet 2025. But these marksheets are not enough. Candidates should collect original sheets from their respective schools under Barisal Board. Check also.
Barisal Board JSC Exam Result 2025
- 1) Goto write message option on your mobile and type JSC <leave a space> then the FIRST 3 letters of your Barisal education board <space> JSC Roll Number <space>2025.
- 2) So the SMS format will be << JSC BAR 47888 2019 >>
- 2 ) Send this message to the 16222 number.
- 3) Please note that you may charge 2 TK+vat rates per SMS for this message. You can send this SMS from any mobile operator.
Barisal Board JDC Exam Result 2025
- 1) Goto write message option on your mobile and type JDC <leave a space> then FIRST 3 letters of Barisal Education Board <leave a space> BAR Roll Number <leave a space> 2025.
- 2) So the SMS format will be << JDC BAR 47888 2025>>
- 2 ) Send this message to the 16222 number.
- 3) Please note that you may charge 2 TK+vat rates per SMS for this message. You can send this SMS from any mobile operator.
Barisal Board JSC Result 2025 Android Application
- বরিশাল বোর্ড ফলাফল অনলাইনে Android Application এর মাধ্যমে জানা যাবে । পরীক্ষার ফলাফল এর জন্য Android সমর্থিত মোবাইল অথবা ট্যাব এ Google Play Store থেকে Barisal Board লিখে সার্চ করে Application টি Install করে নিতে হবে ।
Roll No | 100001 | Registration No | [NOT SHOWN] |
Name of Student | MOHIMA AFROZ FOUJIA | ||
Father’s Name | KAZI ABDUL ALIM | ||
Mother’s Name | ROWSHAN ARA BEGUM | ||
Board | BARISAL | Session | 2019 |
Group | Type | REGULAR | |
Result | GPA=5.00 | Date of Birth | 09-11-2002 |
-: Subject-Wise Grade/ Marks:-
Subject Code | Subject Name | Grade/Marks |
101 | BANGLA | A+ |
107 | ENGLISH | A+ |
109 | MATHEMATICS | A+ |
127 | SCIENCE | A+ |
148 | ARTS AND CRAFTS | A+ |
151 | HOME SCIENCE | A+ |
Barisal Board JSC/JDC Result Analytics
According to the Web Based Result Publication System for Education Boards here you will have the last five years Barisal Education Board JSC/JDC result statistics and performance reports in charts and graphs. By the following report, we can say that students are doing better and better every year.
No. of Students \ Year | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
Total Student | 118397 | 113764 | 106088 | 96482 | 85697 |
Total Male | 55718 | 54064 | 50971 | 46763 | 41572 |
Total Female | 62679 | 59700 | 55117 | 49719 | 44125 |
Total Passed | 114035 | 110814 | 103229 | 94493 | 82822 |
Passed Male | 53229 | 52450 | 49347 | 45696 | 40067 |
Passed Female | 60806 | 58364 | 53882 | 48797 | 42755 |
Passing Percentage | 96.32 | 97.41 | 97.31 | 97.94 | 96.65 |
Total Secured GPA 5.00 | 8441 | 15599 | 13490 | 10300 | 10783 |
Total Male GPA 5.00 | 3209 | 5676 | 4909 | 3959 | 4415 |
Total Female GPA 5.00 | 5232 | 9923 | 8581 | 6341 | 6368 |